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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 214e5

A Brief Review of the Neurological Examination: Ferezy's MSR's


  • List the major divisions and sub components of the neurological examination.
  • Contrast and compare the effects of neurological lesions on the neurological examination of the central nervous system versus the peripheral nervous system.
  • Recite the implications of neurological examination findings on disorders involving various components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Draw the anatomy of the lower motor neuron in its relation to the spinal cord, nerve root, spinal nerve, and the neuromyal junction.
  • Describe components of the so called “SAID” principle of strength training and its relation to neural and muscular adaptation.
  • List the five primary roles of functional skeletal muscle tissue.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Motor Systems of the patient.
  • Recite findings related to neurological “drift” performed during the neurological examination.
  • Compare and contrast the findings of percussion myoedema with those of percussion myotonia.
  • Discuss the significance of neural shock and detail expected associated neurological examination findings.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Sensory Systems of the patient.
  • List, contrast and compare the neurological signs associated with “release phenomenon” and “deficit phenomena”.
  • Illustrate components of the muscle stretch reflex including the role of the Alpha motor neuron, Gama motor neuron, and large sensory fibers in relation to the muscle fibers and spinal cord.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Reflex Systems of the patient.
  • Draw the neurologic pathways associated with the eye light reflexes.  Include reference to cells of the retina, the optic nerve, the optic chiasm, the optic tract, the Pretectal nucleus, and the Edinger Westphal nucleus.
  • Itemize and discuss categories of neurological involuntary movements.
  • Perform and discuss three versions of the extensor plantar response (extensor toe sign, Babinski sign).
  • Discuss the common shorthand used for grading muscle stretch reflex responses and discuss the results of the neurological examination associated with each grade.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$80.00 USD

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