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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 213a

Neuroradiology for the Chiropractic Neurologist


  • Review the categorizations for the specialty of radiology and its related subspecialties
  • Compare and contrast typical analog x-ray suites with Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital radiology (DR) detection systems
  • Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of CT Scanning
  • Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI/MRA), and angiography
  • Discuss newer technologies for assessing neurological tissue function, including SPECT,  PET and fMRI scanning
  • Review and describe equipment, concepts and various types of diagnostic ultrasoundography
  • Identify and define other techniques of diagnostic imaging

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$100.00 USD

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