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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 209e

CVD Vessel Anatomy, Irrigation Areas and Related Agnosias, Apraxic and Aphasic Syndromes


  • Outline topography and discuss internal anatomy of the cortex.
  • Illustrate and list functions of the various lobes of the brain.
  • Identify and describe anterior and posterior intracranial circulatory patterns.
  • Relate cortical anatomy with electrode placement when eliciting somatosensory evoked potentials.
  • Identify irrigation distribution of all major intracranial arteries.
  • Diagram irrigation to the levels of the spinal cord.
  • Describe intracranial venous drainage of the skull and differentiate between dural sinuses, boney sinuses and cerebral veins.
  • List areas of the cortex responsible for vision, hearing and touch and explain their interaction with the association cortex.
  • Give examples traits and characteristics which are associated with hemisphere dominance.
  • Define and differentiate the agnosias, such as apraxia, aphagia, etc.
  • Define constructional apraxia, and discuss the clinical significance.
  • Quantify the incidence of various types of neurovascular disease.
  • Contrast and compare strokes from a vascular anatomical and etiology viewpoint.
  • List and discuss choices for various forms of imaging based upon suspected stroke etiology.
  • Identify treatable, untreatable and possible risks for cerebrovascular accident. 
  • Identify medical and conservative options for treatment of cerebrovascular accident risk factors.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$100.00 USD

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