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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 208d2

Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms, Pathways and Therapeutic Actions.


  • Define Neurodegeneration.
  • Identify some of the core mechanisms of Neurodegeneration.
  • Define and discuss oxidative stress and damage of neurons.
  • List most common neurological illnesses thought to be due to long-term Neurodegeneration.
  • Cite specific biochemical pathways to target therapeutically to slow down or reverse Neurodegeneration.
  • Itemize common clinical findings in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
  • List the mechanisms involved in the neurodegenerative process.
  • Define free radicals, articulate the issue with free radicals and describe their role in the neurodegenerative process.
  • Discuss the role of glial cells in regard to Neurodegeneration.
  • Itemize ways to increase the Nrf2 pathway.
  • Discuss glutathione and list specific methods to increase glutathione levels.
  • List dangers found in regard to genetically modified foods.
  • Compare and contrast normal mitochondrial structure and function with dysfunctional mitochondria with attention to free radical damage to my no conjugal proteins and mitochondrial DNA.
  • Discuss the therapeutic role of essential fatty acids (EFA's), Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and coenzyme Q-10.
  • List and discuss methods for laboratory evaluation of systemic inflammation.
  • Itemize issues associated with the "leaky gut" syndrome, including aspects of inflammation, relation to diabetes, and Zonulin.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$40.00 USD

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