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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 207a

Introduction to Electrodiagnostic Medicine


  • List several textbooks on electrodiagnostic medicine and discuss the benefits and limitations of each text.
  • Recite several applications of electrodiagnostic medicine and discuss the utility of each of the tests performed.
  • Describe the components required to perform an electrodiagnostic examination.
  • Compare and contrast peripheral nerve injury classifications.
  • Define some of the current terminology used in electrodiagnostic medicine.
  • Compare and contrast the different types of electrodes used in electrodiagnostic medicine.
  • Describe terminal motor latencies.
  • Describe sensory and motor conduction velocities and studies.
  • Describe electromyography.
  • Discuss orthodromic and anti-dromic testing.
  • Define motor unit potentials and discuss the normal and abnormal phases.
  • Describe the varieties of evoked potentials and discuss the clinical utility of ordering each test.
  • Describe the varieties of late potentials and discuss the clinical utility of ordering these tests.
  • Identify the relevant neuroanatomy of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Demonstrate median and ulnar nerves and the position of the various electrodes in common motor and sensory electrodiagnostic studies of the median and ulnar nerves.
  • Discuss the conditions and circumstances when electrodiagnostic testing of the central nervous system may be beneficial or necessary.
  • Describe the various electrodiagnostic procedures for the peripheral nervous system.
  • Differentiate between motor unit potentials (MUP’s), fibrillations, positive sharp waves and sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP’s). 
  • Contrast and compare electrodiagnostic tests for extremity complaints such as weakness and sensory loss.
  • Define the role of electrodiagnosis in clinical practice.


AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$80.00 USD

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