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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 206 c132

Cases in Neurology: Numbness and Weakness in a 50 Year Old Male


  • List the differential diagnoses that may accompany various symptoms.  
  • Describe various essential elements of the history taking process.
  • List differential diagnoses for this and similar cases.
  • Itemize and describe several tests of lower extremity motor and reflex function.
  • Recognize a true extensor toe sign from an equivocal or false finding.
  • Contrast and compare aspects of various disorders causing cervical spine myelopathy.   
  • Use proper language and nomenclature when producing a report for referring physicians.
  • Recognize aspects of spinal cord disease.


Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Case Studies
Diplomate Level;

$40.00 USD

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