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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 206 c131

Video Case: Pain, Weakness and Unsteadiness


  • Evaluate an unrehearsed, real doctor/patient encounter; regarding a case of an adult female patient who complains of lower back pain; pain radiating down her left lower extremity to her heel; weakness in her thighs; and unsteadiness.
  • Develop improved skills in obtaining an accurate case history and performing a neurological examination of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
  • Improve interpretation of relevant clinical findings of patient presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
  • List the clinical presentations of various complaints and the approach to diagnosis of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.
  • Consider the differential diagnoses of patient’s presenting with pain, weakness and unsteadiness.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$20.00 USD

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