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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 204a

The Somatic Sensory Examination


  • Define and categorize types of patient sensation commonly tested at the bedside examination
  • Identify the basic anatomical pathways of central nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various sensory systems that can be tested in the body
  • Identify the basic anatomical pathways of peripheral and central nervous system control mechanisms involved in the various sensations that can be tested in the body
  • Describe the evaluation of both superficial and deep sensory systems
  • Review and assess concepts and skills necessary to perform an accurate bedside examination of the sensory system
  • View and identify patient video vignettes demonstrating lecture points
  • Compare and contrast pathological from non-pathological sensory findings

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$100.00 USD

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