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Chiropractic Doctor

Neurology 202d

Aspects of Functional Versus Organic Illness


  • Define specific terminology including organic disease, non-organic disease, functional disease, somatoform disease, malingering and others
  • Discuss the distinction between somatoform disorders (hysteria) and malingering
  • Describe patient presentations and examination techniques which are useful in somatoform disorders of the special senses
  • Elaborate on the somatic manifestations of somatoform disease in motor and sensory presentations
  • Explore caveats of diagnosing somatoform disorders
  • Discuss completely the performance and usefulness of in office "credibility" tests used to unveil non-organic disorders
  • Define and describe aspects of the malingering patient

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$80.00 USD

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