Chiropractic Doctor

Mobilization 203 : Releasing Subluxations through Comfort and Ease

Ethan Feldman, DC

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

Hour 1
  • Discuss the history behind the discovery of and development of releasing somatic dysfunction via positional release techniques via the work of Lawrence Jones, DO, George Goodheart, DC and others
  • Discuss the basic concepts of how the body responds to stress and trauma  according to Irvin Korr and how slackening the dysfunctional muscle and joint tissues works to restore normal function.
  • Apply anatomy and kinesiology as a means of finding and unwinding somatic dysfunction.
  • Include the learned techniques into your practice.
  • Compare and contrast the rapid thrust vs. positional release modes of releasing subluxations or somatic dysfunction. 

Hour 2
  • Summarize the muscle spindle, specifically, the anatomy and physiology of the spindle subcomponents and how it regulates function of skeletal muscle.
  • Breakdown the neural reflex mechanisms of the muscle spindle and appreciate how these mechanisms operate in both somatic function and dysfunction.
  • Explain the hypothesis of the “facilitated segment” aka somatic dysfunction, explained both in terms of neurology and by analogies so as to be clear to both the doctor and the patient
  • Identify somatic dysfunction via locating tender points and learn the mechanism of slackening in order to relieve the tender point reactivity and restore normal function to the muscle and joint.
  • Identify and correct tender point locations and positional releases.

Approved States/Territories
  • AKAlaska
  • BCBritish Columbia
  • COColorado
  • CTConnecticut
  • DEDelaware
  • DCDistrict of Columbia
  • FLFlorida
  • GAGeorgia
  • GUGuam
  • IDIdaho
  • ILIllinois
  • INIndiana
  • IAIowa
  • KSKansas
  • MEMaine
  • MBManitoba
  • MDMaryland
  • MAMassachusetts
  • MIMichigan
  • MNMinnesota
  • MOMissouri
  • MTMontana
  • NENebraska
  • NBNew Brunswick
  • NHNew Hampshire
  • NJNew Jersey
  • NYNew York
  • NCNorth Carolina
  • NDNorth Dakota
  • NSNova Scotia
  • OHOhio
  • ONOntario
  • OROregon
  • PRPuerto Rico
  • RIRhode Island
  • SCSouth Carolina
  • SDSouth Dakota
  • TNTennessee
  • UTUtah
  • VTVermont
  • VIVirgin Islands
  • VAVirginia
  • WAWashington
  • WVWest Virginia
  • WYWyoming
  • YTYukon