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Chiropractic Doctor

Mobilization 202
Joint Mobilizations for the Lower Quarter


  • List and define the components of the SINSS classification used for a lower quarter evaluation
  • Recall two neurophysiological effects of joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
  • Cite two indications for performing grade 1-2 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
  • Identify two conditions that would warrant performing grad 3-4 joint mobilizations for the lower quarter
  • Enumerate 5 contraindications for performing joint mobilizations as applied to the lower quarter
  • State two specific diagnostic or impairment-based indications for performing a lateral to caudal hip joint mobilization.
  • Explain the purpose for performing a posterior to anterior proximal tibiofibular glide
  • Provide two common indications for performing a medial patella mobilization technique

Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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