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Chiropractic Doctor

Management of Common Conditions 233
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis


  • Assess the effectiveness of three nonsurgical interventions on symptoms, physical function, and physical activity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Compare the effectiveness of a structured, comprehensive conservative treatment program with a focus on self-management and improved walking ability (including lumbar manipulation, exercise and education) to a self-directed program in patients with neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Summarize the 2013 North American Spine Society (NASS) clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Examine the literature pertaining to the diagnostic accuracy of available tests for lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the 6-week Boot Camp Program for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Shawn Thistle, DC

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$20.00 USD

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