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Chiropractic Doctor

Laser 215
A Comprehensive Analysis of Todays Healthcare Topics


Hour 1:

  • Integrate the following concepts as it pertains to laser therapy:  wavelength, frequency, speed of light, fluence, penetration, secondary and primary physiological influences
  • Contrast the differences between thermal and non-thermal laser therapy

Hour 2:

  • Conceptualize the relationship between mitochondria, free radicals, ATP, cytochrome coxidase enzyme, and laser photon therapy
  • Explain the biphasic nature of laser therapy

Hour 3:

  • Introduce evidence as to the integrative physiology between chiropractic care for musculoskeletal pain syndromes and improved systemic health.
  • Develop a neuroanatomical and neurophysiological model for the influence of spinal mechanical function with visceral neurology.

Hour 4:

  • Correlate upper cervical spine symmetry and the function of the nucleus tractus solitarius of the vagus nerve.
  • Explore the mechanical, vascular and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics as related to spinal anatomy.

Hour 5:

  • Show the history and modern-day evidence for the influence of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic field waveforms.
  • Detail the two most plausible mechanisms of exposure non-ionizing electromagnetic field waveforms on human biology.

Hour 6:

  • Explore the various relationships from a functional neurological perspective.
  • Contrast the relationship between various neurochemicals

Hour 7:

  • Justify why many people need between 5-8 different supplements and explain why.
  • Connect the link between dietary lectins, leak gut, systemic inflammation and autoimmune conditions.

Hour 8:

  • Explain some of the physiological complications to COVID-19.
  • Review studies that explain the biological plausibility related to COVID-19.

Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO

AudioVisual Course

$160.00 USD

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