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Chiropractic Doctor

Got Documentation 204
Personal Injury - How to properly and ethically manage a traumatically injured patient


  • Illustrate the two types of Plan
  • Discuss common therapeutic modalities
  • Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
  • Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
  • Describe the red flags of a record review
  • Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
  • Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
  • Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
  • Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
  • Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
  • Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
  • Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
  • Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
  • Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
  • Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries

Gregg Friedman, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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