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Chiropractic Doctor

Got Documentation 202
Medical Necessity - Determining the Justification of Treatment


  • Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
  • Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
  • Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
  • Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
  • Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
  • Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
  • Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
  • Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
  • Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
  • Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
  • Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
  • Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  • Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice

Gregg Friedman, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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