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Chiropractic Doctor

Gastroenterology 205
IBS/SIBO Research


  • Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to breath testing for patients with IBS.
  • Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to breath testing for patients taking PPIs.
  • Discriminate between normal and abnormal ppm of H2S on a breath test.
  • Contrast between the microbial diversity of the small intestine in those with and without SIBO.
  • Identify the aberrant organism most associated with SIBO in the REIMAGINE study.
  • Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to testing IBS patients for food sensitivities.
  • Implement the 2020 ACG Guidelines as it relates to the use of low FODMAP diets in IBS patients.
  • Select the Gut Directed Hypnotherapy regimen associated with the largest effect size.
  • Explain the need for GRADE within the context of Guideline development.
  • Critique a guideline using the AGREE-II criteria.
  • Define the concepts of pre- and post-test probability.
  • Calculate a post-test probability.

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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