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Chiropractic Doctor

Functional Medicine 210
Evaluating and Addressing Common Chronic Patient Conditions - Part Two


  • Design an efficient and cost-effective approach to evaluating your patients’ underlying health challenges
  • Select key questions to ask your patients (consultation, history, questionnaires) to hone-in on their principal underlying imbalances
  • Discover in-office, economical evaluation tools to efficiently reveal key diagnostic clues
  • Create a systematic decision-making process that directs your testing recommendations
  • Devise a practical and effective formula to skillfully evaluate gut health (dysbiosis), adrenal imbalance, blood sugar dysregulation (dysglycemia); oxidative stress; methylation defects; thyroid insufficiency; and sex hormone imbalances
  • Generate a logical treatment sequence to competently treat the fundamental underlying conditions revealed in your evaluation
  • Differentiate which nutraceuticals best support and rebalance underlying physiological imbalances.

Richard Powers, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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