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Chiropractic Doctor

Functional Medicine 206
Disease and the Mind Body Connection


Hour 1:

  • Discuss PNI and its relationship to musculoskeletal conditions
  • Review the interaction of the Hippocampus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis with PNI and its effect on musculoskeletal conditions Discuss clinical approach to managing these syndromes

Hour 2:       

  • Explain what factors affect the baby boomer population
  • Establish Patient education and doctor patient relationship
  • Establish protocols to improve treatment outcomes

Hour 3:

  • Mind over matter- how the brain and neuropathways affect musculoskeletal conditions
  • Describe cellular structure connections
  • Evaluate patients with musculoskeletal conditions and consider the effect of the mind, body, cellular and neurological alterations manifesting of these conditions.

Michelle Binkowski, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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