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Chiropractic Doctor

Functional Medicine 205
From outside-in, and Inside-out; The Environment-Intestine-Lung Axis


  • Identify the risks and complications of long-term PPI (Proton Pump Inhibition) exposure, complicating factors increasing our risks and their correction, and “best practices” for prescribing this therapy.
  • Demonstrate a hiatal hernia correction technique with a Chiropractic Adjustment
  • Integrate and apply phytotherapy treatment of different causes of dysmotility (SIBO, SIFO, IBD, IBS, neuropathy) based upon identifying key colonocyte target receptors in both TH1 (autoimmune) VS TH2 (allergic) situations.
  • Identify and summarize Metabolic Inflammation, explain its’ triggers, resultant diseases and prescribe treatment for it.
  • Discuss inflammation in the Intestine-Lung axis, apply dietary and lifestyle preventative and corrective treatment.
  • Develop the use of therapeutic “biotics” for asthma, airway inflammation, and atopic disorders,
  • Associate GI and respiratory biodome imbalances with asthma and allergic disorders, and their relationship to allergic sensitization
  • Critique the interaction of the hygiene hypothesis and our “window of opportunity” to prevent asthma and allergic diseases
  • Apply home and office based environmental therapy to help limit daily allergic exposure, allergy and asthma reactions.

Grant Shapiro, DC

AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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