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Chiropractic Doctor

Ethics for Professionals 104

Ethics of Confidential Information


  • Define the terms confidential information and confidentiality.
  • Identify the relationship of a patient's legal right to privacy with his reasonable expectations regarding confidential information.
  • Describe how the telling and keeping of secrets is relevant to understanding the importance of confidentiality.
  • Discuss the ethical norms involved in keeping and breaking professional confidences.
  • Name five general legal exceptions to the professional standard of practice that confidences should not be broken.
  • Consider practical options that a professional can take when faced with the possibility of breaking a confidence.
  • Discuss some important aspects of documentation that affect confidentiality.
  • Compare ethical issues of confidentiality traditionally conceived with those that have arisen because of computerized medical records and patient care information systems.
  • Describe the key ethical strengths and challenges of the recent U.S. federal regulations related to privacy considerations (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).
  • Become familiar with AOTA and APTA Code of Ethics
  • Review and become familiar with the TX PT Rules
  • Read case scenarios illustrating ethical decision making

Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

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$40.00 USD

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