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Chiropractic Doctor

Documentation 173 - 174

Hour 1 - 5

  • Describe the need for prognosis
  • Summarize what a prognosis is
  • Demonstrate the use of prognostic tools
  • Appraise your individual patient’s outlook for recovery.
  • Measure the progress
  • Make evidence based clinical decisions
  • Substantiate your opinion for expert testimony.
  • Illustrate the evidence for care.
  • Prescribe evidence based care plans.
  • Increase your reimbursement for complicated cases.
  • Improve the patient report of findings and discharge

Hour 6

  • Interpret in documentation, the difference between active, medically necessary care vs. clinically appropriate but possibly maintenance adjustments
  • Able to distinguish compensatory vs. primary subluxations and document them properly
  • Specify proper documentation techniques as a full spine adjuster
  • Demonstrate the ability to classify documentation for each chiropractic technique employed


AudioVisual Course

$120.00 USD

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