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Chiropractic Doctor

Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification 302
ADHD, OCD and Tourette's Part 1


  • Extrapolate the root cause(s) of neurodevelopmental disorders in children, adolescents and event adults from a neurological perspective.
  • Discuss why brain development is important and how to identify it and how it can impact children and adults.
  • Explain the research pertaining to ADD/ADHD 
  • Summarize the various cognitive and academic testing that is used for the evaluation and diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. 
  • Cite the networks of the brain that are used based upon the results of cognitive and academic testing.  
  • Outline how academic testing can be interpreted to identify a neurological imbalance in the brain. 
  • Compare the different stages of evolution, the evolution of the brain and movement 
  • Differentiate how the the brain evolved into a complex brain with complex movements and what that means
  • Compare the stages of cognitive and academic childhood development 
  • Cement the concept of Hemisphere imbalances with ADHD by showing research studies.
  • Identify and score primitive reflexes in infants and children
  • Identify when each primitive reflex should be inhibited and the therapy necessary to inhibit PR's found to still be present on the examination
  • Techniques and methods to evaluate primitive reflexes during an examination.
  • Identity through examination the primitive reflexes normative values and also deficits in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • How the PR's can play a significant role in their signs and symptoms. 
  • summarize how functional measurements and functional assessments can be used for a complete picture of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Identify the tools needed to put together a complete treatment program based upon the findings from the functional measurements and assessments.
  • Discuss the family environment and how it may positively or negatively impact a child with learning disorders
  • Outline all of the networks and pathways in children with neurodevelopmental disorders 
  • Demonstrate all of the core stability exercises and the levels of testing for each
  • Introduce appropriate therapies and treatments to strengthen core and postural muscles
  • Recommend normative data for all testing and setting up a treatment program.  
  • Discuss the benefits Chiropractic and how the postural muscles and spine is important in understanding the concept in brain health. 
  • Summarize how Chiropractic with Functional Neurology is used to treat brain imbalances 

Robert Melillo, DC, DABCN

AudioVisual Course

$500.00 USD

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