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Chiropractic Doctor

Biomechanics 233
The 3 Cardinal Planes of Loading: Power Leaks, Compensations and Load Adaptations


Hour 1

  • Identify some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes.
  • Categorize the Fast and Slow phases of an imbalance asymmetrical gait and define rehabilitation strategies to remedy the gait pathology.
  • Develop a conceptual overview of how step length and stride length change in a limping gait.
  • Breakdown portions of the gait cycle into its component parts, including compensation patterns
  • Conceptualize the gait changes oriented around a hallux (great toe) amputation and learn to predict gait compensations off of a fixed anatomic anomaly.
  • Describe arm swing and how it plays out in gait, particularly asymmetrical, and develop some treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry.

Hour 2

  • Discuss the critical function of the deep neck flexors and transverse abdominus, and how they related to gait, especially the running athlete.
  • Identify the 3 compartments of the thoracolumbar fascia and translate them into gait concepts and treatment concepts.
  • Develop treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry and define in-phase and out-of-phase arm and leg swing assimilation
  • Discuss on a surface level the concepts of speed in gait, and how to adjust the speed of one's gait to break down gait components that might lead to better treatment directions.
  • Describe central pattern generators and relate to arm swing on a neurologic level.
  • Recognize some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis such as arm swing, step length, the cross over gait, and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes when it comes to these gait parameters.

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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