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Chiropractic Doctor

Acupuncture 455

External Causes of Disease: A Comprehensive Study of the Endogenous and Exogenous Pathogens


  • Explain how climatic factors can become a cause of disease
  • Assess the influence of the constitution on predisposition to health or disease
  • Compare diagnostic signs of a strong or weak constitution
  • Discuss how excessive physical work and exercise can cause disease
  • Relate the significance of poor diet and eating habits as a cause of disease
  • Summarize the importance of paying attention to a patient's constitutional type
  • Interpret clinical meaning of changes in the tissues and other parts of the body
  • Recognize the importance of the tongue as a pillar of diagnosis
  • Integrate tongue and pulse diagnosis to confirm suspected patterns and indicate the presence of patterns not evident from other signs and symptoms
  • Recognize the frequency of tiredness as a complaint in Western patients, and utilize  methods of questioning to ascertain appropriate patterns of disharmony
  • Differentiate the clinical significance of feelings of cold, heat, and fever, and their different clinical significance in exterior and interior conditions
  • Justify the importance of questioning and observing the patient's emotional state
  • Recognize the significance of asking about menstruation, leucorrhoea, pregnancy, and childbirth
  • Examine children's symptoms, in the areas of digestion, respiration, sleep and immunization

James Ventresca, DOM

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$100.00 USD

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