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Chiropractic Doctor

Acupuncture 440

Microsystems IV: YNSA Scalp Acupuncture Scalp Acupuncture Points and Techniques Mainly Used for Painful Disorders


  • List the similarities associated with YNSA Scalp Acupuncture and other scalp acupuncture microsystems
  • Describe and find treatment areas associated with the YNSA somatotope
  • Describe and point out the location of the major landmarks used to find YNSA Scalp Acupuncture points.
  • Describe and point out the location of the most commonly used YNSA Scalp Points
  • Describe and find the correct procedure and needling technique for treating YNSA Scalp Points, and begin practicing the techniques needed to use this form of acupuncture in clinical practice.

James Ventresca, DOM

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

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