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Chiropractic Assistant

Soft Tissue Injuries 122
Headaches: Classifications, Examination, Pathological Conditions and Treatments of the Cranial Bones, Temporomandibular Joints and Cervical Spine Complex


  • Utilize the World Health Organization (WHO) definition and classifications of headache complexes.
  • Discern headache types using the International Headache Society definition and classifications of headache complexes.
  • Integrate the Cleveland Clinic Headache classifications, descriptions, causes and treatment protocols.
  • Compare efficacy in Cleveland Clinic treatment protocols of stress management, biofeedback, pharmaceuticals and prevention guidelines with manual medicine for outcome for your patients.
  • Explain headache complexes in children and adults.
  • Discuss Craniopathy and Cranial Osteopathy and its application in treating headaches.
  • Apply the three approaches for Cranial Osteopathy; meningeal, reflex and sutural.
  • Determine appropriate conditions indicated for use of Craniopathy and contraindications.
  • Examine cranial bone anatomy.
  • Integrate brain and spinal cord anatomy in relation to cranial bone anatomy and function.
  • Relate spinal dural anatomy to dural torque in the cervical spine and cranium and its relationship to headaches.
  • Collate signs and symptoms of traumatic brain injury into the evaluation of the cranium and headaches.  
  • Relate the function of the cranial bones with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  • Utilize the structural and functional anatomy of the soft tissues of the TMJ for differential diagnosis of headaches and jaw dysfunction.
  • Apply functional anatomy of the TMJ to functional anatomy of the cranial bones and cervical spine in relation to headaches.
  • Demonstrate the evaluation of mandibular gait and disc condyle gait, normal and pathological.
  • Define muscles of the jaw and cranium and their interrelationship regarding headaches and cranial faults.
  • Relate the function of the cranial bones with the cervical spine.
  • Utilize the structural and functional anatomy of the cervical spine for examination of soft tissues and pathology related to headaches.
  • Determine which soft tissue structures when dysfunctional lead to headaches.
  • Discern soft tissue pathology from examination for the differential diagnosis of causative factors headaches.
  • Apply the functional anatomy of the TMJ and cervical spine to pathological conditions in these regions that can cause headaches.
  • Explain the history and definitions of Craniopathy from 1596 - present.
  • Explain the history and definition of Cranial Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy in Osteopathic Medicine.
  • Determine pathology in the TMJ through thorough history using passive and active examination procedures and relate findings to headaches.
  • Apply the VROM (vertical range of motion) scale to TMJ movement analysis.
  • Treat the TMJ using a variety of methods.
  • Perform Cranial Bone examination to find cranial faults using Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) and relate findings to headaches.
  • Apply Mind Language to cranial bone evaluation for SOT Category I and II.
  • Perform Cranial Bone examination to find cranial faults using Applied Kinesiology (AK) and relate findings to headaches.
  • Demonstrate effective muscle testing techniques when applying AK for cranial bone examination.
  • Diagram the sequencing of Cranial Bone Examination using AK and its application during treatment.
  • Differentially diagnose individual cranial faults and their relationship to one another during examination and treatment.
  • Treat cranial bone faults using the methods discussed.
  • Determine soft tissue and joint pathology in the cervical spine using active and passive examination procedures as well as functional testing to relate findings to headaches.
  • Differentiate pain quality between the soft tissue structures (periosteum, joint, ligament, muscle, tendon, bursa, fascia, vascular and nerve).
  • Utilize motion palpation as a tool to determine cervical spine joint fixation and dysfunction.
  • Apply soft tissue palpation methods to evaluate the soft tissues of the cervical spine.
  • Assess the cervical spine soft tissue structures using passive and active functional testing.
  • Detect pathological conditions of the soft tissues of the TMJ as they relate to headaches.
  • Relate the mechanics of Acceleration Deceleration Impact of the TMJ as a causative factor in injury and relationship to headaches.
  • Assess pathological conditions of the soft tissue structures of the cervical spine (periosteum, joint, ligament, muscle, tendon, bursa, fascia, vascular and nerve) and relate the pertinent conditions to headaches.
  • Detect bony defects, osseous and congenital that alter function in the cervical spine with the potential causative factor for headaches.
  • Interpolate findings of scoliosis as a complicating factor in cervical spine dysfunction in relation to headaches.
  • Relate the mechanics of Acceleration Deceleration Impact of the cervical spine as a causative factor in soft tissue injury and relationship to headaches.
  • Apply treatment protocols for headaches using Craniopathy and Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) to address pathological conditions of the TMJ.
  • Apply treatment protocols for headaches using soft tissue methods, modalities and manipulation for the pathological conditions of the TMJ.
  • Apply treatment protocols for headaches using Craniopathy and SOT for the cranial bones and TMJ.
  • Apply treatment protocols for headaches using Craniopathy and Applied Kinesiology (AK).
  • Develop treatment sequencing practices and corrections for cranial faults in relationship to headaches.
  • Integrate sinus congestion corrections into treatment protocols for cranial faults and headaches.
  • Determine the effects of the rebound in the closed system of the cranium and apply the findings to cranial bone treatment.
  • Apply treatment protocols for headaches using soft tissue methods, modalities and manipulation for the pathological conditions of the cervical spine.
  • Determine pain radiation patterns of trigger points in the cervical spine in relation to head pain.
  • Evaluate the most conducive manual methods to determine the most affective soft tissue treatments of the soft tissues of the cervical spine including Strain Counterstrain, postfacilitation stretch, somatic technique, postisometric relaxation, modalities, massage, manipulation and mobilization.
  • Apply manual methods, modalities, mobilization and manipulation to pathological conditions cervical spine in relation to headaches.
  • Apply treatment protocols to scoliosis in relation to cervical spine dysfunction and headaches.
  • Relate treatment of the cervical spine after Acceleration Deceleration Impact to the treatment of headaches.
  • Review a case study on the use of cranial fault correction, manipulation, manual methods and modalities in a patient with Cluster Headaches.
  • Derive confidence in treating severe headache complexes using soft tissue treatments, Craniopathy, modalities and manual methods.

Linda Simon, DC

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$240.00 USD

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