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Chiropractic Assistant

Risk 140
Good Samaritan Laws


  • Classify circumstances that trigger Good Samaritan laws for chiropractors.
  • Restate duties imposed upon people in the United States to render aid to others in dire circumstances.
  • Compare a doctor’s versus a lay person’s duty to render aid to someone in distress.
  • Explain principles and philosophical underpinning Good Samaritan laws.
  • Discuss the Bystander Effect.and scientific studies that unearth reasons why people are reluctant to render aid/assistance to others in emergency situations.
  • Summarize the role compensation, expecting to get paid, plays in the operation of Good Samaritan laws.
  • Locate states that impose a duty to render assistance, and those states that remove Good Samaritan law protection from hospitals.
  • Identify protections offered under various states’ Good Samaritan Laws.
  • Express the relaxation of professional standards, and what behaviors are shielded from liability, under Good Samaritan laws.

Peter Van Tyle, Esq

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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