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Chiropractic Assistant

Research Trends 124
Unraveling the Veil of Bias: Conflict of Interest in Research


  • Identify the impact of financial conflicts of interest on research outcomes: Understand how industry funding can influence the results and interpretations of clinical trials, and differentiate between industry-sponsored and non-industry funded studies.
  • Analyze the significance of transparency and disclosure in research: Examine the importance of transparent reporting of financial and non-financial relationships and activities, and assess how perceptions of conflict of interest can be just as crucial as actual conflicts.
  • Evaluate emerging approaches to address conflicts of interest: Explore new methodologies, such as Cochrane's guidance, designed to mitigate the risks of bias in research, and critically assess their potential effectiveness in promoting objectivity.
  • Apply ethical considerations in research practices: Examine real-world scenarios of potential conflicts of interest in research and apply ethical principles to discern the appropriate course of action, fostering an understanding of how researchers can uphold integrity and impartiality in their work.

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

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