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Chiropractic Assistant

Rehab 111

Spinal Cord and Head Injury Rehabilitation


  • Identify the anatomy of upper motor neuron tract systems and discuss the functionality of upper motor neuron tract systems
  • Explain the effects of a spinal cord injury
  • Discuss the anatomy and functionality of regions of the brain
  • Describe complications post injury of brain and spinal cord injury
  • Describe standard treatment procedures prior to rehabilitation of brain and spinal cord injured patients
  • Explain the difference between neurological deficit rigidity versus disuse atrophy/spasm of spinal cord and head injured patients
  • Describe treatment options for rehabilitation of spinal cord and head injured patients
  • Explain treatment methods to transition C curve locomotion to S curve locomotion
  • Explain treatment methods for atrophy and spasm
  • Discuss most current curative research for spinal cord and head injured patients

Linda Simon, DC


$44.00 USD

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