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Chiropractic Assistant

Physical Diagnosis 183

Hour 1 

  • Document the patients history to include an accurate list of all herbal/dietary supplements and other medicinals they are taking and refer to their MD if there are any concerns that it will affect Chiropractic Care being considered
  • Explain the concept of the use of simultaneous interventions to treat a single condition as it is relative to the patient history.

 Hour 2

  • Discuss potential side effects of herbal/dietary supplement as components of history taking & physical exam procedures.
  • Refer to Medical Doctor if you feel any signs or symptoms are related to any side effects of anything the patient is taking
  • Give examples of how herbal/dietary supplement use may impact the history taking, physical exam procedures, and treatment plan.

Hour 3

  • Describe pertinent patient medical history and physical examination procedures included in a comprehensive evaluation for conditions that may have been previously treated with surgical interventions
  • Connect patient medical history and physical examination with evidence-based intervention/treatment plan of care to achieve best patient outcomes

Hour 4

  • Identify evidence-based rehabilitation principles for patients whose history may include prior surgical intervention.
  • Explain specific rehabilitation programs for each case based on documented evaluation findings


AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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