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Chiropractic Assistant

Physical Diagnosis 178
Rotator Cuff Tears (RCTs): Etiology, Epidemiology, and Differentials to Consider


  • Identify the 4 muscles that are associated with the Rotator Cuff.  
  • Recall the major epidemiological variables associated with Rotator Cuff Tears.
  • Differentiate the 2 major etiological factors associated with Rotator Cuff Tears.
  • Recognize the symptoms and signs associated with Rotator Cuff Tears.
  • Determine conservative treatment approaches in the acute and/or sub-acute phase of Rotator Cuff Tears.
  • Select appropriate ancillary studies that may be necessitated upon failed conservative treatment of presented upper extremity conditions.

James Strange, DC, MS

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

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