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Chiropractic Assistant

Physical Diagnosis 159

Recurrent Ankle Sprain, Plantarfascitis, Foot Orthoses, Ankle Evaluation


  • Justify the addition of manipulative therapy to rehabilitation in the management of recurrent ankle sprain with functional instability
  • Compare the effectiveness of plantar fascia-specific stretching to high-load strength training in patients with plantar fasciitis
  • Examine the biomechanical mechanisms that may be involved in the foot-to-low back relationship, and how foot orthoses might be used to manage low back pain
  • Outline the state of current clinical evidence regarding the use of manual therapies in the treatment of lateral ankle sprains
  • Summarize relevant concepts for the diagnosis and management of ankle syndesmosis injuries

Shawn Thistle, DC

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Journal Article Review

$20.00 USD

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