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Chiropractic Assistant

Physical Diagnosis 156

School Enrollment and Sports Pre-participation Physicals


  • Explain jurisdictional authority over school enrollment and pre-participation physical examinations
  • List the common items required on a school enrollment and pre-participation physical examinations
  • Outline the key components of the health history
  • Identify normal values for vision and hearing acuity
  • Calculate BMI and determine age appropriate percentile ranking
  • Classify physical maturity using the Tanner Scale
  • Assess immunization records for statutory compliance
  • Indicate the difference in the level of detail required in the pre-participation exam versus the school enrollment physical
  • Recognize the classifications of sports based on exertion required and level of contact
  • Describe the process of clearing an athlete to resume training and competition
  • Recognize the risk factors to sudden cardiac death syndrome
  • Determine the association between risk factors and specific sports

Richard Saporito, DC

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