Chiropractic Assistant CE Course - Oklahoma 12 Hour Chiropractic Assistant Training Program :

Chiropractic Assistant

Oklahoma 12 Hour Chiropractic Assistant Training Program


$178.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, Text

  • Define common terminology used in the Chiropractic office
  • Identify terminology associated with specific conditions and their treatment
  • Describe locations on the body using appropriate anatomical terminology
  • List the major muscle and muscle groups of the body
  • Name the regions of the human spine and the parts of the vertebral motion unit
  • Discuss the History of HIPAA
  • Define the terminology of HIPAA i.e.: PHI, IIHI, NPP, TPO, NPI, EIN, EDI
  • Contrast covered entities vs. non-covered entities
  • Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR).
  • Demonstrate taking a complete patient history.
  • Define the Evaluation and Management examination for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Define Outcome Assessment.
  • Illustrate the P.A.R.T. format of documentation.
  • Define proper assessment for SOAP notes.
  • Discuss proper documentation of treatment performed on each visit.
  • Discuss proper documentation of treatment plans.
  • Discuss Medicare’s new guidelines for documenting quality measures 
  • Discuss Medicare’s new Merit-Based Incentive Program (MIPS)
  • Identify and determine the eligibility requirements for MIPS
  • Identify and discuss the 4 categories under MIPS (Quality, Cost, Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPIA) and Advancing Care Information (ACI)
  • Recognize how Medicare calculates MIPS to determine payment adjustments
  • Demonstrate the importance of communicating in an ethical manner and what that entails
  • Develop an understanding of what 'spin' is, why it is unethical and how to monitor and minimize/stop it
  • Evaluate the barriers to effective and ethical communication
  • Develop an understanding of exactly what takes place/needs to take place during the provider/client interaction
  • Discover what it is that patients want from their visits to a provider
  • Appraise how to deal with challenging clients and situations
  • Describe how trust and trustworthiness give shape to the idea of respect between patient and health professional
  • Assess the roles of competence and reassurance in strengthening the necessary connections between you and the patient
  • Explain the phenomena of transference and countertransference in the health professional and patient relationship
  • Contrast courteous behaviors with casualness and how each is perceived by the patient to bridge the gap of estrangement between you when you fi rst meet and as the relationship develops
  • Give some examples of what it means to focus on caring behaviors
  • Distinguish contractual characteristics of the health professional and patient relationship from covenantal characteristics and evaluate the role of each
  • Perform an exercise to identify personal concepts of touch
  • Create practical applications for healthcare practitioners with regard to gender, touch, and sexuality
  • Define sexual misconduct
  • Recognize the difference between sexual misconduct and sexual harassment
  • Critique different models of misconduct
  • Develop guidelines of dealing with a patient who is attracted to you
  • Develop guidelines of dealing with feeling an attraction
  • Discuss the six factors for a safe practice
  • Describe the new partnership between healthcare providers and patients
  • Explain how to prepare for a medical emergency
  • Outline four emergency medical conditions: Stroke, Heart Attack, Difficulty Breathing, Diabetic Emergencies
  • Recognize the causes, symptoms and signs for these emergencies
  • Summarize how to provide the appropriate emergency treatments
  • Describe the general rules for the application of physical therapy modalities/procedures
  • Develop an understanding of the use of cryotherapy and hot moist packs
  • Explain the principals of therapeutic ultrasound
  • Summarize the types of electrical therapy modalities
  • List the contraindications and precautions to the use of electrical therapy
  • Recognize the appropriate application of low level laser therapy
  • Explain the therapeutic benefits of spinal traction
  • List the effects of soft tissue and cross friction massage
  • Identify common treatment procedures and modalities used in a chiropractic practice and recognize contraindications to them
  • Describe the steps to prepare a patient to have an x-ray examination
  • Define the terms Collimation, Filtration and Shielding
  • Explain the 10-day rule for taking x-rays of a woman
  • Discuss safety measurements when taking x-rays
  • Recognize the importance of explaining the x-ray procedure to the patient
  • List ways to protect the technician and chiropractic assistant when using x-rays
  • Identify the importance of wearing a film badge when near x-ray equipment
  • Discuss a brief history of Chiropractic
  • Describe the basics of Chiropractic Philosophy
  • Discuss Chiropractic, Adaptation and Innate Intelligence
  • Review how Chiropractic is built upon the basic sciences of anatomy (structure), physiology (function) and the clinical sciences (patient application).
  • Understand how Chiropractic affects specific conditions

Approved States/Territories
  • GUGuam
  • OKOklahoma