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Chiropractic Assistant

Neurology 212f2

Grand Rounds in Family Practice


  • Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases including myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.
  • Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in myocardial infarction, alcoholic hepatitis, A-V malformation and misdiagnosed limb paralysis.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$20.00 USD

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