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Chiropractic Assistant

Neurology 206a2

Electrodiagnostic Testing II


  • Define the terms “electrodiagnosis, nerve conduction study, needle electrode examination, late responses and evoked potentials”.
  • Identify the various components of the action potential recording.
  • Compare and contrast synaptic versus electrical nerve stimulation.
  • Recite the components of the modern electromyographic machine.
  • Describe the different types of electrodes used in an electrodiagnostic examination and include the purpose and benefits/drawbacks to each type.
  • Categorize the types of electrodiagnostic testing.
  • Discuss performance and use of electrodiagnostic testing, including conduction studies and latencies, late responses (including the “H” reflex and “F” wave) and evoked potentials.
  • Properly order and interpret the results of electrodiagnostic testing.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$80.00 USD

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