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Chiropractic Assistant

Neurology 202f

Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Vertebrobasilar Ischemia (VBI)


  • Outline methods used and estimations as to the incidence of cervical spinal manipulative therapy and subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
  • Review and describe cerebrovascular anatomy and hemodynamics
  • Discuss proposed patho-physiological mechanisms believed responsible for subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
  • Review and discuss past and present scientific literature to explore the evolution of what we think we know about the process of cervical spinal manipulative therapy and subsequent vertebrobasilar ischemia
  • Explore issues and examination procedures related to patient assessment as well as vertebrobasilar ischemia recognition and proper diagnosis
  • Define and contrast currently suggested procedures  and develop a vertebrobasilar ischemia plan of action
  • Explore various perspectives and reveal bias in both public media and biomedical journals
  • Identify and define new theoretical concepts and prophylactic therapies

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course
Diplomate Level;

$100.00 USD

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