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Chiropractic Assistant

Medical Errors 205

Hour One:

  • Discuss common medical errors made in the process of choosing diagnostic imaging for patients with cervical spine injuries
  • Discuss the role of Clinical Prediction Rules and their role in preventing common errors in overutilization of radiographic studies in patients with cervical spine injuries
  • Describe the Canadian C-Spine Rule, Canadian Head CT Rule and NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria, as well as their limitations and exceptions
  • Review the literature supporting the use of Clinical Prediction Rules in the prevention of medical errors

Hour Two:

  • Discuss limitations of plain film radiography in the evaluation of injured patients, and strategies to avoid medical errors due to inappropriate selection of imaging modalities
  • Discuss relevant clinical indications for ordering advanced imaging studies in the evaluation of patients with cervical spine injuries
  • Review common advanced imaging studies and their role in preventing medical errors of commission or omission
  • Discuss the clinical relevance of recognizing loss of cervical motion segment integrity in the evaluation and management of injured patients

Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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