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Chiropractic Assistant

Manipulation 119

Hour 1

  • Identify important spinal anatomy with relation to joint pain, degeneration and stabilization.
  • Explain the efficacy of spinal manipulation (SM) for various clinical presentations
  • Discuss current literature reviews regarding safety concerns and controversies with SM.
  • Perform joint manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis

 Hour 2

  • Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the trunk and torso, with practically to joint manipulation.
  • Examine the thoracic and lumbar spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
  • Perform alternative manipulative procedures to the spine and pelvis

 Hour 3

  • Discuss common clinical anatomy related to the head, and neck.
  • Examine the cervical spine through important clinical landmarks and topical anatomical structures.
  • Perform joint manipulative procedures for cervical spine.
  • Perform manipulative and mobilization procedures to the temporomandibular joints.

Jennifer Illes, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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