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Chiropractic Assistant

Management of Common Conditions 249
Chiropractic Checkup from the Neck Up


  • Explore the societal burden of headaches
  • Rank the prevalence of common headache types
  • Give examples of common lifestyle contributors to headache syndromes
  • Recognize the difference between primary and secondary headaches
  • Review clinical characteristics of common headache types
  • Differentiate cervicogenic headache from occipital neuralgia
  • Contrast trigeminal neuralgia and idiopathic facial pain
  • Summarize relevant clinical history questions for headache patients
  • Recognize red flags specific to headache patients
  • Define ‘dizziness’, ‘vertigo’ and other related terms
  • Review common differential diagnoses and assessment strategies for the dizzy or vertiginous patient
  • Utilize a TiTrATE approach to differentially diagnose and/or classify dizzy patients
  • Breakdown our contemporary understanding of cervicogenic dizziness
  • Summarize current diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic dizziness
  • Outline various physical examination procedures for evaluating cervical sensorimotor function
  • Define and outline the defining features of sports-related concussion
  • Outline the ‘neuro-metabolic cascade’ in concussion injuries
  • Summarize known risk factors for concussion
  • Contrast on-field versus in-clinic evaluation of concussion
  • Explore various clinical tools for evaluating concussion (ex. SCAT5, CRT, VOMS)
  • Identify and categorize common concussion symptoms
  • Recognize risk factors for prolonged recovery from concussion
  • Explore short- and long-term consequences of concussion
  • Summarize contemporary concussion management considerations for chiropractors
  • Appraise the reasons for concern relating to neck manipulation and stroke
  • Classify cervical artery strokes
  • Explore the epidemiology of cervical artery strokes
  • Summarize best-evidence relating to the association between spinal manipulation and cervical artery stroke
  • Outline relevant challenges and other factors relating to researching the relationship between neck manipulation and cervical artery stroke
  • Define protopathic bias and how it relates to stroke and neck manipulation
  • Critique potential mechanisms of injury relating to cervical manipulation and the cervical arteries
  • Integrate best practices into your clinical approach for ruling our emergent stroke in neck pain and headache patients
  • Review the HINTS examination as a mechanism to differentially diagnose acute vestibular syndrome
  • Review the evidence on the appropriateness and efficacy of manual therapy for treating headaches
  • Explore the literature pertaining to the complex interplay between cervical spine function and dizziness, persistent post-concussion symptoms, neck pain and headache
  • Critique the literature pertaining to the management of cervicogenic dizziness
  • Summarize existing evidence regarding the chiropractic management of concussion

Shawn Thistle, DC

AudioVisual Course

$160.00 USD

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