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Chiropractic Assistant

Management of Common Conditions 228
Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder Instability: Non-Surgical and Surgical Conditions


  • Describe the relationship among shoulder micro-instability, scapula dyskinesis and hyperlaxity  
  • Explain how to perform the surprise test and summarize the clinical usefulness of this test
  • Paraphrase the efficacy of conservative treatment for patients with atraumatic shoulder instability.
  • Contrast the difference between a capsule reconstruction/ shift and a capsular repair.
  • Cite 2 major precautions, and corresponding time frames following an anterior capsule reconstruction or repair (during the first 12 weeks)
  • Identify one appropriate intervention (exercise) for phase I, phase II and phase III   post- rehabilitation program following capsular shift / reconstruction or repair

Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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