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Chiropractic Assistant

Management of Common Conditions 214

Shoulder Pain


Hour 1

  • Discuss shoulder anatomy.
  • Differentiate the causes of shoulder pain
  • Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
  • Apply manual manipulation to reduce shoulder dysfunction.
  • Incorporate rehab techniques to restore strength and flexibility.

Hour 2

  • Discuss scapulo-thoracic anatomy.
  • Define the causes of scapulo-thoracic pain.
  • Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
  • Apply manual manipulation to reduce scapular dysfunction.
  • Introduce rehab techniques to restore strength and mobility.

Hour 3

  • Discuss gleno-humeral anatomy.
  • Define the causes of gleno-humeral pain.
  • Assess joint mobility and muscle function.
  • Apply manual manipulation to reduce joint dysfunction.
  • Introduce rehab techniques to restore strength and mobility.

Todd Turnbull, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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