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Chiropractic Assistant

Laser 213
Super Highway to Health - Advanced Protocols for Clinical Success


  • Build the ultimate back: from chronic back pain to high performance
  • Evaluate exercise’s effect on hormones and human performance
  • Create a flowchart explaining laser therapy and its application during the correlated stages of healing
  • Review the newest laser research and its clinical applicability
  • Apply neurodynamic tests and advanced corrective laser protocols
  • Evaluate techniques for non-invasive fat reduction
  • Elucidate the science of different types of fasting
  • Utilize advanced clinical breakthroughs in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries
  • Implement strategies to initiate the positive impact of gut health on the musculoskeletal system
  • View hands-on reproducible, implementable protocols 
  • Incorporate laser effectively into your practice
  • Assess intestinal and blood-brain barrier dysfunction
  • Integrate leading-edge protocols for SIBO
  • Identify modern lifestyle and environmental triggers that affect the gut brain axis

Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN

AudioVisual Course

$160.00 USD

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