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Chiropractic Assistant

Geriatrics 108
Older & Bolder: Chiropractic Care for Healthy Aging


  • Summarize the United Nations (UN) Decade of Healthy Aging and its initiatives
  • Describe challenges specific to conducting clinical research on older patients
  • Examine epidemiological trends and opportunities related to an aging population
  • Define agism and elderspeak
  • Explore relevant concepts of, and goals for, healthy aging
  • Outline relevant clinical considerations for aging patients in a chiropractic practice
  • Specify red flags in older patients that would warrant clinical referral
  • Assess general function in elderly patients using simple clinical tests
  • Examine our unique clinical opportunities (and challenges) relating to providing chiropractic care for older patients
  • Recognize the clinical impact of multi-site pain in elderly patients
  • Cite existing data on chiropractic care patterns for older patients
  • Summarize and critique the existing body of research on chiropractic care for spinal conditions in older patients
  • Explore the relationship between hip and spine function in elderly patients
  • Integrate existing literature pertaining to the patient experience and understand what matters to them
  • Summarize best practices for providing chiropractic care for older patients
  • Discuss the rational use of imaging in chiropractic practice
  • Define osteoarthritis and review the societal impact of this condition
  • Identify risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis
  • Outline our current state of knowledge on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of osteoarthritis
  • Appraise the state of the evidence regarding general treatment recommendations for osteoarthritis
  • Explore the scientific literature regarding various treatment modalities for osteoarthritis
  • Recognize the value of exercise for managing osteoarthritis
  • Critique the literature regarding common medical interventions for osteoarthritis
  • Define lumbar spinal stenosis and review the societal impact of this condition
  • Classify pathognomonic signs and symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Differentiate lumbar spinal stenosis from other clinical conditions
  • Breakdown the evolving evidence relating to the management of lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Discover the important role chiropractic can play in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Outline our current state of knowledge on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of degenerative cervical (spondylotic) myelopathy
  • Recognize the importance of identifying this pathology in aging patients to facilitate appropriate care

Shawn Thistle, DC

AudioVisual Course

$160.00 USD

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