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Chiropractic Assistant

Gastroenterology 204
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth


Hour 1
  • Define Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 
  • List common causes/ associations/risk factors of SIBO
  • Recall the various estimates of SIBO prevalence
  • Explain why SIBO prevalence estimates vary
  • Describe the trajectory of SIBO research over the past decades
Hour 2
  • Explain the limitations of using breath tests for the diagnosis of SIBO compared to other alternatives.
  • Describe the specific issues with glucose-based breath tests for SIBO diagnosis.
  • Describe the specific issues with lactulose-based breath tests for SIBO diagnosis.
  • Critique the North American consensus document on breath testing for SIBO

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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