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Chiropractic Assistant

Gastroenterology 201
Fecal Microbial Transplant Research Review


  • Summarize the current state of legal status and research on fecal microbial transplants (FMT)
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for irritable bowel syndrome
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for hepatic encephalopathy
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for antibiotic associated diarrhea/dysbiosis
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for ulcerative colitis
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for Clostridium difficile infection
  • Describe the state of research of FMT for autism

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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