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Chiropractic Assistant

Functional Medicine 212
Supporting Your Patients Before, During, and After a Cancer Diagnosis


  • Identify the most common pre-disposing factors for the initiation of cancer
  • Design a screening protocol to evaluate cancer risk factors
  • Discover specific evaluation procedures that identify biochemical imbalances indicative of cancer risk
  • Interpret specialized laboratory test results that portray a physiological environment conducive to cancer promotion
  • Devise treatment strategies shown to reverse cancer related imbalances
  • Hone diagnostic skills by reviewing and analyzing a series of patient case studies, inclusive of history, exam findings, lab test results
  • Develop safe and effective treatment recommendations for some of the more common chronic degenerative conditions, e.g., thyroid imbalances, chronic fatigue, inflammatory bowel disease

Richard Powers, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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