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Chiropractic Assistant

Documentation 186
Medicare Billing Compliance Made Simple


Hour 1
  • Discern Part B from Part C and know the rules for each
  • Discuss mandatory enrollment necessary for Chiropractic specialty
  • Master the definition of medical necessity vs. clinical appropriateness and who pays in either case
  • Recognize the differences between acute, chronic, and maintenance car
  • Locate and understand the Medicare Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for your state including all the rules and guidelines
  • Identify CMT coding and how it is differentiated from maintenance in Medicare
Hour 2
  • Review of statistical data that shows how risk is identified through data analysis
  • Engage in billing compliance and random auditing to meet OIG compliance guidelines
  • Avoid risk issues with proper use of the Medicare Advance Notice-Both Voluntary and Mandatory
  • Discuss the role of SOP and Policy in practice risk mitigation, especially with Federal patients

Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

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