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Chiropractic Assistant

Documentation 104
Documenting Medical Necessity


Hour 1

  • Define standard of care.
  • Examine the requirements of Chiropractic documentation.
  • Evaluate Chiropractic care and the functional relationship.
  • Review state specific examples of documentation requirements.
  • Discuss what is mean by episode of care.

 Hour 2

  • Establish the baseline of care.
  • Identify the inadequacies of intake forms.
  • Comply with the requirements of the initial encounter report.
  • Review the consultation documentation in various case scenarios.
  • Apply appropriate medical decision-making processes and documentation.

 Hour 3

  • Examine the Documentation Requirements of a SOAP Note.
  • Utilize PART in documentation.
  • Utilize outcome assessment tests in documenting medical necessity of care.
  • Identify Assessment and its relationship to medical necessity.
  • Solidify elements of the treatment plan to support medical necessity.
  • Apprise utilization management and review analysis of documentation.

Mario Fucinari, DC, CPCO, CPPM, CIC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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