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Chiropractic Assistant

Documentation 103

Medicare Documentation - Part 2


Hour 1

  • Demonstrate the key elements pertaining to Medicare’s documentation requirements for initial and subsequent patient encounters  
  • Describe the three categories of chiropractic care covered through Medicare and the one category exempt from Medicare coverage
  • Apply Medicare’s x-ray requirements for documenting a subluxation
  • Utilize Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notification (ABN) form and its guidelines 
  • Use Medicare’s PARTS system to document a subluxation
  • Summarize the transformation of Medicare’s PARTS system utilizing the AIR S & M method               
  • Include proper Medicare documentation for daily progress notes (SOAP), in order to meet insurance guidelines and meet medical necessity 

Hour 2

  • Integrate a 4 step approach to meet E/M (Evaluation/Management) coding requirements to meet Medicare’s guidelines

Hour 3

  • Review Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MARCA) aka Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP) and the Merit Based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS)                                                                    

Hour 4

  • Apply the critical components of Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT) coding and Medicare’s requirements for documentation
  • Use diagnostic codes ICD-10 (primary subluxation M-codes biomechanical lesions and secondary medical codes) to meet Medicare’s diagnosis requirements
  • Recognize Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes and how it relates to the Medicare system
  • Utilize Medicare modifiers   
  • Identify some of the key items with regards to completing the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1500 claim form   
  • Summarize Medicare’s mandatory claims submission policy                                   
  • Explain the five levels of Medicare appeals process
  • Distinguish between Medicare participating vs. non-participating provider requirements

Paul Sherman, DC

AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

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